Give 270 supports pet therapy training

Today, Give 270 sent Hank off in style with $3,500 for his pet therapy training with Pawsibilities Unleashed. Give 270 co-founder Kenny Rambo and Board Chair Eric Clemens presented a proceeds check from Whiskey Wednesdays to Pawsibility Unleashed for Hank’s eight-week pet therapy training. Hank starts his training October 24.

At the conclusion of the training, Hank will be working with Hardin County 911 Dispatch. Hank will be well trained to generously volunteer to lick, cuddle, and encourage the 911 dispatchers who funnel and support emergency response in Hardin County. He will also be on hand to support emergency responders dealing with tough situations in our communities.

Special thank you to everyone who supported Whiskey Wednesdays by purchasing a $5 ticket or tickets to make local donations like this possible.